One of The Most Effective Concepts Ever Measured*

The Your Beauty Playground-concept was created to celebrate the beauty e-commerce giant LYKO’s core belief that beauty should be fun. With a scaffolding of super strong visual anchors, we could play around with the rest to put our money where our mouth is and truly play the brand.

* The LYKO-campaigns are among the most effective ever measured by NEPA in Sweden.

The Poster Philosophy

If your brand platform doesn’t fit on a 70x100 poster, you haven’t made enough decisions yet. Anybody in your organization should be able to understand what your brand is all about, from boardroom to warehouse floor. For LYKO, the brand is all about beauty being fun, having the largest selection of beauty products, and thus being Your Beauty Playground.

The Launch Campaign

The films are all about a few fixed elements, enabling us to play with the rest. In the first campaign the game we played was Sledgehammer inspired stop motion. Did we have fun making it? Yes.


The Paper World

In the follow up campaign we kept on playing, this time inspired by paper art with layers of textures and color. Still with stop motion and jazz.


The Dream World

For the next campaign we imagined a dream world with dreamy looks, neon, slow motion, and diffusion filters. We also made custom synth music and basically just had fun with it!